Sirova hrana, Zdravlje
komentara 2

“Hrana je zdravlje”

Sinoć sam po drugi put gledala dokumentarni film “Hrana je zdravlje”. Davno sam ga gledala, i iako sam u medjuvremenu čitala o sirovoj ishrani itd, ovaj film nije samo o sirovoj prehrani već generalno o ishrani i našim izborima.

Prije nego ga pogledate ( a probajte ga naći na internetu), ja želim samo da podijelim samo par stvari iz ovog filma. Sjećam se kada smo Mike i ja kupili blender Vitamix koji košta 650EUR svi su bili šokirani da smo taj novac dali na – BLENDER! U tom momentu niko ne razmišlja da mi nismo kupili blender kao spravu, već ZDRAVLJE!! Sada ima opcija da se kupi blender i od 250EUR koji sam spominjala u jednom od mojih postova ( Omni blend), ali nije to bitno. David Wolf, poznati naučnik mogu reći Sirove prehrane, i nekako moj Guru na ovome putu, kaže u ovom filmu nešto što je 100% istina. Ljudi kupuju auta, odjeću, i toliko stvari koje nam prodaju reklame, kako bi ONI se obogatili na našem nesretnom egu, i ljudi padaju na to, ali im je zdravlje skupo ( dok ga imaju), ali kad tada naš organizam negdje otkaže i dobijemo neku bolest poput Multiple skleroze, ili nekih drugih bolesti, i onda idemo doktoru i dajemo bogatstvo da se izliječimo. Da li znate da doktori U SVIJETU ( da ne spominjem u Bosni) ne dobiju nikakvu edukaciju na temu nutricionizma??? Da li zaista idete osobi da vas ” LIJEČI” koja je i sama bolesna????

Razmislite dobro na šta želite dati vaš novac i zaista šta vam je bitno… U medjuvremenu, mali isječak iz pomenutog filma..


This entry was posted in: Sirova hrana, Zdravlje


Aida is a mother, a teacher of Vinyasa Yoga and Trauma Release Method (David Bercelli Foundation), spiritual warrior and a practitioner of Ashtanga Mysore Yoga & meditation, as well as a student and devotee of Ayurveda (the so called 'sister of Yoga' and the science about healthy lifestyle). Aida has started her Yoga journey in New York in 2006, where she spent five years studying, working and learning Yoga. After a very short period of practicing Yoga she already felt some therapeutic benefits of Yoga (she healed her asthma from which she suffered 10 years before, and she also improved her health in general). Yoga was for Aida, from the very beginning a daily practice, which she never could avoid. Aida finished the education through the Yoga Works system in 2009, and continued to learn and improve her knowledge with famous teachers (Sharath Jois, Mark Darby, Laruga Glaser, Gabriele Severini, David Robson, Harmony Litchy, Ajay Tokas, just to name a few). Aida decided to return from New York and to found the first Yoga studio in BiH which would offer Vinyasa Yoga, and that is how she started her path in Sarajevo, the place where Yoga was the most neccessary. Aida founded the Prana Yoga Studio in May 2010, which besides the permanent Vinyasa programme offers always diverse Yoga styles (Ashtanga, Yin, Prenatal, Hatha) and where Aida invites travelling teachers, who help the students to deepen their knowledge and techniques in Yoga. Prana is a place where Yoga is not only practiced daily, but also a place where Aida helps people with health issues, such as PTSD through the Trauma Release Exercise method by David Bercelli (, and in this way Aida helps everyone to reconnect with themselves and to act out of love following the ethics and prinicples of Yoga as one unity, and not just one aspect (asanas). Her idea is to separate Yoga primarily as a therapeutic discipline, from a spiritual and philosophical practical discipline, through her classes, which are steps towards a transformation of the spirit and body. This approach helps us to focus on the practice as something much deeper then a physical aspect, and to start feeling Yoga not only through stories, or others' beliefs, but to truly let it in and to experience it on our own. In her work Aida combines different methods, Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga system, Tantra meditations as well as basic breathing techniques (Pranayama), because she found benefits from every and each of these traditional systems through years of studying and practicing Yoga, being respectively taught by the father of modern Yoga, Krishnamacharya. Aida has started her path and practice with Sharath Jois in 2011, the successor of the Ashtanga lineage to whome she immediatly felt connect as her Guru. Meanwhile Aida became a mother of the beautiful Sofia, and her practice for the last three years is motherhood, which is the highest level of the spiritual practice; a practice in which all the lessons of Yoga merge on a daily basis- patience, devotion, being present in every moment and having the conciousness about your actions, living completely in the present moment and letting ourselves become the child's student, and at the same time a teacher, finding balance in every life aspect. Her intention is to continue her growth with every day, and to share her teachings through love and dedication towards her daughter and Prana Yoga Studio community, which grows simultaneously with her. Aida wants everyone to reach their internal freedom, which she reached through Yoga, and she also wants everyone to know how much he/her is valuable, loved and that everybody is the same under the level that covers our true nature.

1 komentar

  1. Sanja H says

    Cao Aida,

    drago mi je da sam nasla tvoj blog. Ja sam takodje iz Sarajeva i zivim u New Yorku. Dugo se vec bavim sa sirovom hranom i uvjerena sam da prosto nema nista bolje. Nadam se da ce se svijest za to i u Bosni sve vise i vise razviti. Planiram da budem u Sarajevu slijedece ljeto, rado cu doci u vas yoga studio 🙂


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